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All translations - nija88

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Results 1 - 11 of about 11
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed. I...
I have to admit, I am a little bit disappointed. I expected you to at least call and tell me your decision, as you said you would. Anyway, I want you to know that I very much enjoyed spending time with you and hope you will accomplish all your dreams. All the best!

Vertalings gedaan
Turks hayal kırıklığı
Hongaars Be kell vallanom hogy egy kicsit csalódott vagyok...
Source language
Engels Happy new year 2010 to all cucumis ...
Happy new year 2010 to all cucumis fellows! (No, it's not too late! But of course the happy year has started also on the [link=f_rs_0_3302]forum[/link]).

Many new experts were added these days, thanks to them for accepting to help.

Of course thanks to the super admins [userid=91733] & [userid=21837] for managing the site.

So many improvements are waiting in the todo list, so I hope I can implement some of them this year!

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Un 2010 fericit!
Brasiliaanse Portugees Feliz Ano Novo 2010
Albanies Gëzuar vitin e ri 2010 të gjithë shokëve të Cucumis...
Duits Frohes neues Jahr 2010 für alle Cucumis-Mitglieder!
Bulgaars Честита Нова 2010 година на всички
Frans Bonne année 2010
Sjinees vereenvoudig 所有西瓜村村民们,2010年新年快乐!
Pools Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2010
Italiaans Auguri di buon anno 2010
Russies Счастливого нового 2010 года!
Deens Godt Nytår 2010 til alle cucumis....
Spaans Feliz 2010 para todos en cucumis
Sweeds Gott nytt år 2010
Nederlands Een gelukkig 2010 voor heel cucumis
Hongaars Boldog...
Noors Godt Nytt Ã…r til alle cucumis...
Hebreeus שנה טובה
Grieks Ευτυχισμένος ο καινούριος χρόνος 2010 σε όλους τους cucumis...
Fins Hyvää uutta vuotta
Mongools Шинэ 2010 оны мэнд хүргэе!
Arabies سنة سعيدة 2010 لكل الزملاء في كوكوميس
Litaus Laimingų Naujųjų 2010 metų!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebreeus עוד יבוא שלום עלינו
עוד יבוא שלום עלינו
Text edited in its original script according to jairhaas's suggestion.

Vertalings gedaan
Brasiliaanse Portugees Ainda virá a paz sobre nós.
Frans Un jour la paix viendra sur nous.
Hongaars egy nap...
Arabies السلام
Serwies Jednoga dana...
Source language
Turks Aşkım, kalene bir daha yabancıları alma. Onlara...

Kalene bir daha yabancıları alma. Onlara sahip olduğun her şeyi yok etmeleri için silah verdin. Sende artık benim olmayan sadece bir şeyi özlüyorum. Yumuşacık öpüşlerini.. Seni her zaman sevdim.

Erzsebet, fazla ileri gittin. Canlı olan her şey ölmek zorunda ve ne yaparsan yap bunun önüne geçemezsin. Zamanın görevini yapmasına izin vermekte de bir güzellik var.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels my love, do not
Hongaars Szerelmem! Ne engedj be újból senki idegent a váradba...
Source language
Brasiliaanse Portugees Parabéns pra você, nesta data querida, muitas...
Parabéns pra você, nesta data querida, muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vida!
Tudo de bom pra ti Greg!
onde vai ser essa parada? hehe..

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Joyeux Anniversaire
Hongaars Gratulálok...
Source language
Engels [b] does not accept ...
[b] does not accept texts written in CAPS anymore.
To have your request accepted, please click on "Edit" and write your text in lower case. Otherwise it will be removed.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars [b] не приема вече ...
Romeens [b]Pe situl nu se mai ...
Grieks [b]Το δεν δέχεται ...
Deens [b] accepterer ikke ...
Frans [b] n'accepte plus de ...
Brasiliaanse Portugees [b] não aceita mais ...
Turks [b] artık büyük ...
Noors [b] anerkjennar ikke lenger oversettelse...
Russies [b]На больше не принимаются...
Spaans [b] no acepta más ...
Pools [b] nie akceptuje ...
Bosnies [b] ne prihvaća više tekstove
Nederlands [ accepteert niet ...
Serwies [b] više ne prihvata ...
Albanies nuk pranon tekste të ...
Hebreeus אותיות גדולות
Italiaans non accetta più testi scritti in...
Portugees Mensagem do administrador
Sweeds [ accepterar inte längre texter skrivna med...
Litaus [b] daugiau ...
Hongaars [b] többé nem fogadja ...
Afrikaans [b] aanvaar nie meer ...
Oekraïenies не прийматиме текст, набраний...
Sjinees vereenvoudig 不接受用以下书写的文本...
Tsjeggies [ neakceptuje texty psané ...
Duits [b] akzeptiert keine Texte mehr...
Fœroese góðtekur ikki longur tekstir skrivaðir við stórum stavum.
Kroasies [b] više ne prihvaća ...
Masedonies Кукумис.орг веќе не ги прифаќа текстовите
94Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".94
Grieks Μου λείπεις πολύ.Δε φανταζόμουν ποτέ πως θα...
Μου λείπεις πολύ.Δε φανταζόμουν ποτέ πως θα καταλήγαμε δυο ξένοι.Θέλω να είμαστε φίλοι όπως πριν.Νοιάζομαι για σένα και το ξέρεις.Να προσέχεις.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I miss you a lot. I never imagined that....
Turks seni çok özledim.
Italiaans Mi manchi un sacco.
Serwies Mnogo mi nedostaješ
Bosnies Mnogo mi nedostajes
Frans tu me manques beaucoup. je ...
Albanies Më mungon shumë...
Romeens ÃŽmi lipseÅŸti mult
Spaans Te extraño mucho...
Hongaars nagyon hiányzol...
Portugees Sinto muito a tua falta...
61Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".61
Brasiliaanse Portugees A distância diminui as paixões medíocres...
A distância diminui as paixões medíocres e aumenta as grandes, assim como o vento apaga as velas, mas atiça as fogueiras.
gostaria da tradução dessa frase.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Distance lessens ordinary ...
Hebreeus מרחק מפחית תשוקות פשוטות
Turks Uzaklık
Hongaars A távolság általában mérsékli a szenvedélyeket ...